UK Modern Slavery Map 2.0

Modern Slavery is a hidden crime, but it hides in plain sight. The car wash, the nail bar, agricultural sites, building sites, even hidden in homes in domestic servitude. But we can make it more visible, raising awareness and ensuring that more is done to bring freedom and justice to victims. We work in close partnership with the award winning anti-slavery charity Unseen and the UK Modern Slavery Helpline. Together we hope that by turning their anonymised data into a delayed but current (within 30 or 90 days) set of numerical indicators, shown by local authority, we can help everyone from policy makers to members of the public see what impact they need to have to end this abhorrent abuse of human rights. Tackling modern slavery means using facts, not conjecture, to strategically take action.

The prototype transparency map engine is already built, using data from the Helpline to prove the concept. But we now need to make it an automatically updated map. This means working with Helpline Data Analysts automate the transformation of  extremely sensitive and confidential raw data from the helpline, into anonymised data streams that shows calls to the helpline, potential victims indicated by the helpline and number of contacts received through the helpline by either city or local authority.

As a stretch goal should we raise more than our goal we can make it so that fundraising supporters of Unseen, the Helpline and others can use the map, or specific parts of it, to help raise awareness and funding for their own fundraising activities.


Kurt Gustav
James Baker
James Baker